Find Electronic Components Like Never Before

With Maxwell - Your AI Component Master Backed by Our Team of Expert Engineers.

Type functional requirements in natural language and Maxwell will answer with a list of candidate components

How it works?


Task description

Communicate to Maxwell which component you need, detailing the specific context, limitations, and requirements involved.


Maxwell and a team of highly skilled engineers, each with expertise in various component families, conduct comprehensive market research just for you. Together they help you to discover new or unfamiliar components and to choose the best one for your needs.

Hand Over - after 48hr

Within up to 48 hours, you will receive a detailed report via email. This report will include the top 3 components that best fit your needs, along with all the necessary information to quickly make your choice.

Maxwell enables you to:

Discover new opportunities.
Find the best fit component for your design
Explain your choices to your peers. 
Be cost-effective and boost your project's time to market
Stop going over datasheets manually 

Partner with

future electronics
mouser electronics

Meet our team

We are a team of tech, business and hardware savvies. We bring decades of relevant experience and passion to empower engineers and product companies to create more innovative hardware solutions.
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